Source code for pyEPR.core_quantum_analysis

Main interface module to use pyEPR.

Contains code that works on the analysis after hfss, ansys, etc. These can now be closed.

Copyright Zlatko Minev, Zaki Leghtas, and the pyEPR team
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# todo remove this pylint hack later

from __future__ import print_function  # Python 2.7 and 3 compatibility

from typing import List
import pickle
import sys
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from .calcs.convert import Convert

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
from numpy.linalg import inv

# pyEPR custom imports
from . import Dict, config, logger
from .ansys import ureg
from .calcs.back_box_numeric import epr_numerical_diagonalization
from .calcs.basic import CalcsBasic
from .calcs.constants import Planck, fluxQ
from .core_distributed_analysis import DistributedAnalysis
from .toolbox.plotting import cmap_discrete, legend_translucent
from .toolbox.pythonic import (DataFrame_col_diff, divide_diagonal_by_2,
                               print_color, print_matrix, sort_df_col,
                               sort_Series_idx, df_find_index, series_of_1D_dict_to_multi_df)

from .reports import (plot_convergence_max_df, plot_convergence_solved_elem)

[docs]class HamiltonianResultsContainer(OrderedDict): """ The user should only use the QuantumAnalysis class interface. This class is largely for internal use. It is a dictionary based class to contain the results stored. """ file_name_extra = ' HamiltonianResultsContainer.npz' def __init__(self, dict_file=None, data_dir=None): """ input: dict file - 1. either None to create an empty results hamiltonian as as was done in the original code 2. or a string with the name of the file where the file of the previously saved HamiltonianResultsContainer instance we wish to load 3. or an existing instance of a dict class which will be upgraded to the HamiltonianResultsContainer class data_dir - the directory in which the file is to be saved or loaded from, defaults to the config.root_dir """ super().__init__() self.sort_index = True # for retrieval if data_dir is None: data_dir = Path(config.root_dir) / 'temp' / \ time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', time.localtime()) data_dir = Path(data_dir).resolve() file_name = data_dir.stem directory = data_dir.parents[0] if not directory.is_dir(): directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if dict_file is None: self.file_name = str( directory/(str(file_name)+self.file_name_extra))'Filename hamiltonian params to {self.file_name }') elif isinstance(dict_file, str): try: self.file_name = str(data_dir)+'\\' + dict_file self.load() except: self.file_name = dict_file self.load() elif isinstance(dict_file, dict): # Depreciated self._inject_dic(dict_file) self.file_name = str(data_dir)+self.file_name_extra else: raise ValueError( 'type dict_file is of type {}'.format(type(dict_file))) # load file
[docs] def save(self, filename: str = None): """ Uses numpy npz file. """ if filename is None: filename = self.file_name np.savez(filename, Res_Hamil=dict(self)) return filename
[docs] def load(self, filename=None): """ Uses numpy npz file. """ if filename is None: filename = self.file_name self._inject_dic(extract_dic(file_name=filename)[0]) return filename
def _inject_dic(self, add_dic): Init_number_of_keys = len(self.keys()) for key, val in add_dic.items(): # TODO remove all copies of same data # if key in self.keys(): #raise ValueError('trying to overwrite an existing variation') self[str(int(key)+Init_number_of_keys)] = val return 1 @staticmethod def _do_sort_index(z: pd.DataFrame): """Overwrite to sort by custom function Arguments: z {pd.DataFrame} -- Input Returns: Sorted DataFrame """ if isinstance(z, pd.DataFrame): return z.sort_index(axis=1) else: return z
[docs] def vs_variations(self, quantity: str, variations: list = None, vs='variation', to_dataframe=False): """ QUANTITIES: `f_0` : HFSS Frequencies `f_1` : Analytical first order PT on the p=4 term of the cosine `f_ND` : Numerically diagonalized `chi_O1`: chi matrix from 1st order PT Arguments: quantity {[type]} -- [description] Keyword Arguments: variations {list of strings} -- Variations (default: {None} -- means all) vs {str} -- Swept against (default: {'variation'}) to_dataframe {bool} -- convert or not the result to dataframe. Make sure to call only if it can be converted to a DataFrame or can be concatenated into a multi-index DataFrame Returns: [type] -- [description] """ variations = variations or self.keys() res = OrderedDict() for key in variations: if vs == 'variation': res[key] = self[key][quantity] else: # convert the key to numeric if possible key_new = ureg.Quantity( self[key]['hfss_variables']['_'+vs]).magnitude res[key_new] = self[key][quantity] # Convert to dataframe z = res if to_dataframe: # only call if z can be converted to a dataframe z = sort_df_col(pd.DataFrame(z)) if self.sort_index: z = self._do_sort_index(z) # = 'eigenmode' = vs return z
# Quick lookup function
[docs] def get_frequencies_HFSS(self, variations: list = None, vs='variation'): '''See help for `vs_variations`''' return self.vs_variations('f_0', variations=variations, vs=vs, to_dataframe=True)
[docs] def get_frequencies_O1(self, variations: list = None, vs='variation'): '''See help for `vs_variations`''' return self.vs_variations('f_1', variations=variations, vs=vs, to_dataframe=True)
[docs] def get_frequencies_ND(self, variations: list = None, vs='variation'): '''See help for `vs_variations`''' return self.vs_variations('f_ND', variations=variations, vs=vs, to_dataframe=True)
[docs] def get_chi_O1(self, variations: list = None, vs='variation'): return self.vs_variations('chi_O1', variations=variations, vs=vs)
[docs] def get_chi_ND(self, variations: list = None, vs='variation'): return self.vs_variations('chi_ND', variations=variations, vs=vs)
[docs]class QuantumAnalysis(object): ''' Defines an analysis object which loads and plots data from a h5 file This data is obtained using DistributedAnalysis ''' def __init__(self, data_filename, variations: list = None, do_print_info=True, Res_hamil_filename=None): self.data_filename = data_filename self.results = HamiltonianResultsContainer(dict_file=Res_hamil_filename, data_dir=data_filename) with open(str(data_filename), 'rb') as handle: # Contain everything: project_info and results = Dict(pickle.load(handle)) # Reverse from variations on outside to on inside results = DistributedAnalysis.results_variations_on_inside( # Convenience functions self.variations = variations or list( self._hfss_variables = results['hfss_variables'] self.freqs_hfss = results['freqs_hfss_GHz'] self.Qs = results['Qs'] self.Qm_coupling = results['Qm_coupling'] self.Ljs = results['Ljs'] # DataFrame self.Cjs = results['Cjs'] # DataFrame self.OM = results['Om'] # dict of dataframes self.PM = results['Pm'] # participation matrices - raw, unnormed here # participation matrices for capacitive elements self.PM_cap = results['Pm_cap'] self.SM = results['Sm'] # sign matrices self.I_peak = results['I_peak'] self.V_peak = results['V_peak'] self.modes = results['modes'] self.sols = results['sols'] self.ansys_energies = results.get('ansys_energies', {}) self.mesh_stats = results['mesh'] self.convergence = results['convergence'] self.convergence_f_pass = results['convergence_f_pass'] self.n_modes = len(self.modes[self.variations[0]]) self._renorm_pj = config.epr.renorm_pj # Unique variation params -- make a get function dum = DataFrame_col_diff(self._hfss_variables) self.hfss_vars_diff_idx = dum if not (dum.any() == False) else [] try: self.Num_hfss_vars_diff_idx = len( self.hfss_vars_diff_idx[self.hfss_vars_diff_idx == True]) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logger.warning("<p>Error: %s</p>" % e) self.Num_hfss_vars_diff_idx = 0 if do_print_info: self.print_info() @property def project_info(self): return
[docs] def print_info(self): print("\t Differences in variations:") if len(self.hfss_vars_diff_idx) > 0: display(self._hfss_variables[self.hfss_vars_diff_idx]) print('\n')
[docs] def get_vs_variable(self, swp_var, attr: str): """ Convert the index of a dictionary that is stored here from variation number to variable value. Args: swp_var (str) :name of sweep variable in ansys attr: name of local attribute, eg.., 'ansys_energies' """ #from collections import OrderedDict variable = self.get_variable_vs(swp_var) return OrderedDict([(variable[variation], val) for variation, val in getattr(self, attr).items()])
[docs] def get_variable_vs(self, swpvar, lv=None): """ lv is list of variations (example ['0', '1']), if None it takes all variations swpvar is the variable by which to organize return: ordered dictionary of key which is the variation number and the magnitude of swaver as the item """ ret = OrderedDict() if lv is None: for key, varz in self._hfss_variables.items(): ret[key] = ureg.Quantity(varz['_'+swpvar]).magnitude else: try: for key in lv: ret[key] = ureg.Quantity( self._hfss_variables[key]['_'+swpvar]).magnitude except: print(' No such variation as ' + key) return ret
[docs] def get_variable_value(self, swpvar, lv=None): var = self.get_variable_vs(swpvar, lv=lv) return [var[key] for key in var.keys()]
[docs] def get_variations_of_variable_value(self, swpvar, value, lv=None): """A function to return all the variations in which one of the variables has a specific value lv is list of variations (example ['0', '1']), if None it takes all variations swpvar is a string and the name of the variable we wish to filter value is the value of swapvr in which we are interested returns lv - a list of the variations for which swavr==value """ if lv is None: lv = self.variations ret = self.get_variable_vs(swpvar, lv=lv) lv = np.array(list(ret.keys()))[np.array(list(ret.values())) == value] #lv = lv_temp if not len(lv_temp) else lv if not (len(lv)): raise ValueError('No variations have the variable-' + swpvar + '= {}'.format(value)) return list(lv)
[docs] def get_variation_of_multiple_variables_value(self, Var_dic, lv=None): """ SEE get_variations_of_variable_value A function to return all the variations in which one of the variables has a specific value lv is list of variations (example ['0', '1']), if None it takes all variations Var_dic is a dic with the name of the variable as key and the value to filter as item """ if lv is None: lv = self.variations var_str = None for key, var in Var_dic.items(): lv = self.get_variations_of_variable_value(key, var, lv) if var_str is None: var_str = key + '= {}'.format(var) else: var_str = var_str + ' & ' + key + '= {}'.format(var) return lv, var_str
[docs] def get_convergences_max_tets(self): ''' Index([u'Pass Number', u'Solved Elements', u'Max Delta Freq. %' ]) ''' ret = OrderedDict() for key, df in self.convergence.items(): ret[key] = df['Solved Elements'].iloc[-1] return ret
[docs] def get_convergences_tets_vs_pass(self, as_dataframe=True): ''' Index([u'Pass Number', u'Solved Elements', u'Max Delta Freq. %' ]) ''' ret = OrderedDict() for key, df in self.convergence.items(): s = df['Solved Elements'] s = s.reset_index().dropna().set_index('Pass Number') #s.index = df['Pass Number'] ret[key] = s if as_dataframe: ret = pd.concat(ret) ret = ret.unstack(0)['Solved Elements'] return ret
[docs] def get_convergences_max_delta_freq_vs_pass(self, as_dataframe=True): ''' Index([u'Pass Number', u'Solved Elements', u'Max Delta Freq. %' ]) ''' KEY = 'Max Delta Freq. %' ret = OrderedDict() for key, df in self.convergence.items(): s = df[KEY] s = s.reset_index().dropna().set_index('Pass Number') #s.index = df['Pass Number'] ret[key] = s if as_dataframe: ret = pd.concat(ret) ret = ret.unstack(0)[KEY] return ret
[docs] def get_mesh_tot(self): ret = OrderedDict() for key, m in self.mesh_stats.items(): ret[key] = m['Num Tets '].sum() return ret
[docs] def get_Ejs(self, variation): ''' EJs in GHz See calcs.convert ''' Ljs = self.Ljs[variation] Ejs = fluxQ**2/Ljs/Planck*10**-9 return Ejs
[docs] def get_Ecs(self, variation): ''' ECs in GHz Returns as pandas series ''' Cs = self.Cjs[variation] return Convert.Ec_from_Cs(Cs, units_in='F', units_out='GHz')
[docs] def analyze_all_variations(self, variations: List[str] = None, analyze_previous=False, **kwargs): ''' See analyze_variation for full documentation Args: variations: None returns all_variations otherwise this is a list with number as strings ['0', '1'] analyze_previous: set to true if you wish to overwrite previous analysis **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`~pyEPR.QuantumAnalysis.analyze_variation`. ''' result = OrderedDict() if variations is None: variations = self.variations for variation in variations: if (not analyze_previous) and (variation in self.results.keys()): result[variation] = self.results[variation] else: result[variation] = self.analyze_variation(variation, **kwargs) return result
def _get_ansys_total_energies(self, variation): res = {} for getkey in ['U_tot_cap', 'U_tot_ind', 'U_H', 'U_E', 'U_norm']: res[getkey] = pd.Series({mode: self.ansys_energies[variation][mode][getkey] for mode in self.ansys_energies[variation]}) df = pd.DataFrame(res) = 'modes' return df def _get_participation_normalized(self, variation, _renorm_pj=None, print_=False): ''' Get normalized Pmj Matrix Return DataFrame object for PJ ''' if _renorm_pj is None: _renorm_pj = self._renorm_pj # Columns are junctions; rows are modes Pm = self.PM[variation].copy() # EPR matrix DataFrame # EPR matrix for capacitor DataFrame Pm_cap = self.PM_cap[variation].copy() if _renorm_pj: # just non False # Renormalize # Should we still do this when Pm_glb_sum is very small #s = self.sols[variation] # sum of participation energies as calculated by global UH and UE # U_mode = s['U_E'] # peak mode energy; or U bar as i denote it sometimes # We need to add the capacitor here, and maybe take the mean of that energies = self._get_ansys_total_energies(variation) U_mode = (energies['U_tot_cap'] + energies['U_tot_ind'])/2. U_diff = abs(energies['U_tot_cap'] - energies['U_tot_ind'])/U_mode if np.any(U_diff > 0.15): logger.error(f"WARNING: U_tot_cap-U_tot_ind / mean = {np.max(np.abs(U_diff))*100:.1f}% is > 15%. \ \nIs the simulation converged? Proceed with caution") # global sums of participations Pm_glb_sum = abs((U_mode-energies['U_H'])/U_mode) Pm_cap_glb_sum = abs((U_mode-energies['U_E'])/U_mode) # norms Pm_norm = Pm_glb_sum/Pm.sum(axis=1) Pm_cap_norm = Pm_cap_glb_sum/Pm_cap.sum(axis=1) # this is not the correct scaling yet! WARNING. Factors of 2 laying around too # these numbers are a bit all over the place for now. very small if _renorm_pj == True or _renorm_pj == 1: idx = Pm > -1E6 # everywhere scale idx_cap = Pm_cap > -1E6 elif _renorm_pj == 2: idx = Pm > 0.15 # Mask for where to scale idx_cap = Pm_cap > 0.15 else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unknown _renorm_pj argument or config values!") if print_: # \nPm_cap_norm=\n{Pm_cap_norm}") print(f"Pm_norm=\n{Pm_norm}\n") print(f"Pm_norm idx =\n{idx}") Pm[idx] = Pm[idx].mul(Pm_norm, axis=0) Pm_cap[idx_cap] = Pm_cap[idx_cap].mul(Pm_cap_norm, axis=0) #Pm = Pm.mul(Pm_norm, axis=0) #Pm_cap = Pm_cap.mul(Pm_cap_norm, axis=0) else: Pm_norm = 1 Pm_cap_norm = 1 idx = None idx_cap = None if print_: print('NO renorm!') if np.any(Pm < 0.0): print_color(" ! Warning: Some p_mj was found <= 0. This is probably a numerical error,'\ 'or a super low-Q mode. We will take the abs value. Otherwise, rerun with more precision,'\ 'inspect, and do due diligence.)") print(Pm, '\n') Pm = np.abs(Pm) return {'PJ': Pm, 'Pm_norm': Pm_norm, 'PJ_cap': Pm_cap, 'Pm_cap_norm': Pm_cap_norm, 'idx': idx, 'idx_cap': idx_cap}
[docs] def get_epr_base_matrices(self, variation, _renorm_pj=None, print_=False): r''' Return the key matrices used in the EPR method for analytic calculations. All as matrices :PJ: Participation matrix, p_mj :SJ: Sign matrix, s_mj :Om: Omega_mm matrix (in GHz) (\hbar = 1) Not radians. :EJ: E_jj matrix of Josephson energies (in same units as hbar omega matrix) :PHI_zpf: ZPFs in units of \phi_0 reduced flux quantum :PJ_cap: capacitive participation matrix Return all as *np.array* PM, SIGN, Om, EJ, Phi_ZPF ''' # TODO: supersede by Convert.ZPF_from_EPR res = self._get_participation_normalized( variation, _renorm_pj=_renorm_pj, print_=print_) PJ = np.array(res['PJ']) PJ_cap = np.array(res['PJ_cap']) # Sign bits SJ = np.array(self.SM[variation]) # DataFrame # Frequencies of HFSS linear modes. # Input in dataframe but of one line. Output nd array Om = np.diagflat(self.OM[variation].values) # GHz # Junction energies EJ = np.diagflat(self.get_Ejs(variation).values) # GHz Ec = np.diagflat(self.get_Ecs(variation).values) # GHz for x in ("PJ", "SJ", "Om", "EJ"): logger.debug(f"{x}=") logger.debug(locals()[x]) PHI_zpf = CalcsBasic.epr_to_zpf(PJ, SJ, Om, EJ) n_zpf = CalcsBasic.epr_cap_to_nzpf(PJ, SJ, Om, Ec) return PJ, SJ, Om, EJ, PHI_zpf, PJ_cap, n_zpf # All as np.array
[docs] def analyze_variation(self, variation: str, cos_trunc: int = None, fock_trunc: int = None, print_result: bool = True, junctions: List = None, modes: List = None): # TODO avoid analyzing a previously analyzed variation ''' Core analysis function to call! Args: junctions: list or slice of junctions to include in the analysis. None defaults to analysing all junctions modes: list or slice of modes to include in the analysis. None defaults to analysing all modes Returns: dict: Dictionary containing at least the following: * f_0 [MHz]: Eigenmode frequencies computed by HFSS; i.e., linear freq returned in GHz * f_1 [MHz]: Dressed mode frequencies (by the non-linearity; e.g., Lamb shift, etc. ). Result based on 1st order perturbation theory on the 4th order expansion of the cosine. * f_ND [MHz]: Numerical diagonalization result of dressed mode frequencies. only available if `cos_trunc` and `fock_trunc` are set (non None). * chi_O1 [MHz]: Analytic expression for the chis based on a cos trunc to 4th order, and using 1st order perturbation theory. Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr. * chi_ND [MHz]: Numerically diagonalized chi matrix. Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr. ''' # ensuring proper matrix dimensionality when slicing junctions = (junctions,) if type(junctions) is int else junctions if modes is None: modes = list(range(self.n_modes)) tmp_n_modes = self.n_modes tmp_modes = self.modes[variation] self.n_modes = len(modes) self.modes[variation] = modes if (fock_trunc is None) or (cos_trunc is None): fock_trunc = cos_trunc = None if print_result: print('\n', '. '*40) print('Variation %s\n' % variation) else: print('%s, ' % variation, end='') # Get matrices PJ, SJ, Om, EJ, PHI_zpf, PJ_cap, n_zpf = self.get_epr_base_matrices( variation) freqs_hfss = self.freqs_hfss[variation].values[(modes)] Ljs = self.Ljs[variation].values # reduce matrices to only include certain modes/junctions if junctions is not None: Ljs = Ljs[junctions, ] PJ = PJ[:, junctions] SJ = SJ[:, junctions] EJ = EJ[:, junctions][junctions, :] PHI_zpf = PHI_zpf[:, junctions] PJ_cap = PJ_cap[:, junctions] if modes is not None: PJ = PJ[modes, :] SJ = SJ[modes, :] Om = Om[modes, :][:, modes] PHI_zpf = PHI_zpf[modes, :] PJ_cap = PJ_cap[:, junctions] # Analytic 4-th order CHI_O1 = 0.25 * Om @ PJ @ inv(EJ) @ PJ.T @ Om * 1000. # MHz f1s = np.diag(Om) - 0.5*np.ndarray.flatten(np.array(CHI_O1.sum(1))) / \ 1000. # 1st order PT expect freq to be dressed down by alpha CHI_O1 = divide_diagonal_by_2(CHI_O1) # Make the diagonals alpha # Numerical diag if cos_trunc is not None: f1_ND, CHI_ND = epr_numerical_diagonalization(freqs_hfss, Ljs, PHI_zpf, cos_trunc=cos_trunc, fock_trunc=fock_trunc) else: f1_ND, CHI_ND = None, None result = OrderedDict() result['f_0'] = self.freqs_hfss[variation][modes] * 1E3 # MHz - obtained directly from HFSS result['f_1'] = pd.Series(f1s)*1E3 # MHz result['f_ND'] = pd.Series(f1_ND)*1E-6 # MHz result['chi_O1'] = pd.DataFrame(CHI_O1) result['chi_ND'] = pd.DataFrame(CHI_ND) # why dataframe? result['ZPF'] = PHI_zpf result['Pm_normed'] = PJ try: result['Pm_raw'] = self.PM[variation][self.PM[variation].columns[0]][modes]#TODO change the columns to junctions except: result['Pm_raw'] = self.PM[variation] _temp = self._get_participation_normalized( variation, _renorm_pj=self._renorm_pj, print_=print_result) result['_Pm_norm'] = _temp['Pm_norm'][modes] result['_Pm_cap_norm'] = _temp['Pm_cap_norm'][modes] # just propagate result['hfss_variables'] = self._hfss_variables[variation] result['Ljs'] = self.Ljs[variation] result['Cjs'] = self.Cjs[variation] try: result['Q_coupling'] = self.Qm_coupling[variation][self.Qm_coupling[variation].columns[junctions]][modes]#TODO change the columns to junctions except: result['Q_coupling'] = self.Qm_coupling[variation] try: result['Qs'] = self.Qs[variation][self.PM[variation].columns[junctions]][modes] #TODO change the columns to junctions except: result['Qs'] = self.Qs[variation][modes] result['sol'] = self.sols[variation] result['fock_trunc'] = fock_trunc result['cos_trunc'] = cos_trunc self.results[variation] = result if print_result: self.print_variation(variation) self.print_result(result) self.n_modes = tmp_n_modes # TODO is this smart should consider defining the modes of interest in the initialisation of the quantum object self.modes[variation]=tmp_modes return result
[docs] def full_report_variations(self, var_list: list=None): """see full_variation_report""" if var_list is None: var_list = self.variations for variation in var_list: self.full_variation_report(variation)
[docs] def full_variation_report(self, variation): """ prints the results and parameters of a specific variation Parameters ---------- variation : int or str the variation to be printed . Returns ------- None. """ self.print_variation(variation) self.print_result(variation)
[docs] def print_variation(self, variation): """ Utility reporting function """ if variation is int: variation = str(variation) if len(self.hfss_vars_diff_idx) > 0: print('\n*** Different parameters') display(self._hfss_variables[self.hfss_vars_diff_idx][variation]) print('\n') print('*** P (participation matrix, not normlz.)') print(self.PM[variation]) print('\n*** S (sign-bit matrix)') print(self.SM[variation])
[docs] def print_result(self, result): """ Utility reporting function """ if type(result) is str or type(result) is int: result = self.results[str(result)] # TODO: actually make into dataframe with mode labels and junction labels pritm = lambda x, frmt="{:9.2g}": print_matrix(x, frmt=frmt) print('*** P (participation matrix, normalized.)') pritm(result['Pm_normed']) print('\n*** Chi matrix O1 PT (MHz)\n Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr.') pritm(result['chi_O1'], "{:9.3g}") print('\n*** Chi matrix ND (MHz) ') pritm(result['chi_ND'], "{:9.3g}") print('\n*** Frequencies O1 PT (MHz)') print(result['f_1']) print('\n*** Frequencies ND (MHz)') print(result['f_ND']) print('\n*** Q_coupling') print(result['Q_coupling'])
[docs] def plotting_dic_x(self, Var_dic, var_name): dic = {} if (len(Var_dic.keys())+1) == self.Num_hfss_vars_diff_idx: lv, lv_str = self.get_variation_of_multiple_variables_value( Var_dic) dic['label'] = lv_str dic['x_label'] = var_name dic['x'] = self.get_variable_value(var_name, lv=lv) else: raise ValueError('more than one hfss variable changes each time') return lv, dic
# Does not seem used. What is Var_dic and var_name going to? # def plotting_dic_data(self, Var_dic, var_name, data_name): # lv, dic = self.plotting_dic_x() # dic['y_label'] = data_name
[docs] def plot_results(self, result, Y_label, variable, X_label, variations: list = None): # TODO? pass
[docs] def plot_hamiltonian_results(self, swp_variable: str = 'variation', variations: list = None, fig=None, x_label: str = None): """Plot results versus variation Keyword Arguments: swp_variable {str} -- Variable against which we swept. If none, then just take the variation index (default: {None}) variations {list} -- [description] (default: {None}) fig {[type]} -- [description] (default: {None}) Returns: fig, axs """ x_label = x_label or swp_variable # Create figure and axes if not fig: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 6)) else: axs = fig.axs ############################################################################ # Axis: Frequencies f0 = self.results.get_frequencies_HFSS( variations=variations, vs=swp_variable).transpose().sort_index(key=lambda x : x.astype(int)) f1 = self.results.get_frequencies_O1( variations=variations, vs=swp_variable).transpose().sort_index(key=lambda x : x.astype(int)) f_ND = self.results.get_frequencies_ND( variations=variations, vs=swp_variable).transpose().sort_index(key=lambda x : x.astype(int)) # changed by Asaf from f0 as not all modes are always analyzed mode_idx = list(f1.columns) n_modes = len(mode_idx) ax = axs[0, 0] ax.set_title('Modal frequencies (MHz)') # TODO: should move these kwargs to the config cmap = cmap_discrete(n_modes) kw = dict(ax=ax, color=cmap, legend=False, lw=0, ms=0) # Choose which freq should have the solid line drawn with it. ND if present, else f1 if f_ND.empty: plt_me_line = f1 markerf1 = 'o' else: plt_me_line = f_ND markerf1 = '.' # plot the ND as points if present f_ND.plot(**{**kw, **dict(marker='o', ms=4, zorder=30)}) f0.plot(**{**kw, **dict(marker='x', ms=2, zorder=10)}) f1.plot(**{**kw, **dict(marker=markerf1, ms=4, zorder=20)}) plt_me_line.plot(**{**kw, **dict(lw=1, alpha=0.6, color='grey')}) ############################################################################ # Axis: Quality factors Qs = self.get_quality_factors(swp_variable=swp_variable) Qs = Qs if variations is None else Qs[variations] Qs = Qs.transpose().sort_index(key=lambda x : x.astype(int)) ax = axs[1, 0] ax.set_title('Quality factors') Qs.plot(ax=ax, lw=0, marker=markerf1, ms=4, legend=True, zorder=20, color=cmap) Qs.plot(ax=ax, lw=1, alpha=0.2, color='grey', legend=False) df_Qs = np.isinf(Qs) # pylint: disable=E1101 # Instance of 'ndarray' has no 'values' member (no-member) Qs_val = df_Qs.values Qs_inf = Qs_val.sum() if not (len(Qs) == 0 or Qs_inf > 0): ax.set_yscale('log') ############################################################################ # Axis: Alpha and chi axs[0][1].set_title('Anharmonicities (MHz)') axs[1][1].set_title('Cross-Kerr frequencies (MHz)') def plot_chi_alpha(chi, primary): """ Internal function to plot chi and then also to plot alpha """ idx = pd.IndexSlice kw1 = dict(lw=0, ms=4, marker='o' if primary else 'x') kw2 = dict(lw=1, alpha=0.2, color='grey', label='_nolegend_') # ------------------------ # Plot anharmonicity ax = axs[0, 1] for i, mode in enumerate(mode_idx): # mode index number, mode index alpha = chi.loc[idx[:, mode], mode].unstack(1) alpha.columns = [mode] alpha.plot(ax=ax, label=mode, color=cmap[i], **kw1) if primary: alpha.plot(ax=ax, **kw2) # ------------------------ # Plot chi ax = axs[1, 1] for mode in mode_idx: # mode index number, mode index # restart the color counter i; n= mode2 for i, mode2 in enumerate(mode_idx): if int(mode2) > int(mode): chi_element = chi.loc[idx[:, mode], mode2].unstack(1) chi_element.plot(ax=ax, label=f"{mode},{mode2}", color=cmap[i], **kw1) if primary: chi_element.plot(ax=ax, **kw2) def do_legends(): legend_translucent(axs[0][1], leg_kw=dict(fontsize=7, title='Mode')) legend_translucent(axs[1][1], leg_kw=dict(fontsize=7)) chiO1 = self.get_chis(variations=variations, swp_variable=swp_variable, numeric=False) chiND = self.get_chis(variations=variations, swp_variable=swp_variable, numeric=True) use_ND = not np.any( [r['fock_trunc'] == None for k, r in self.results.items()]) if use_ND: plot_chi_alpha(chiND, True) do_legends() plot_chi_alpha(chiO1, False) else: plot_chi_alpha(chiO1, True) do_legends() for ax1 in axs: for ax in ax1: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) # Wrap up fig.tight_layout() return fig, axs
# Below are functions introduced in v0.8 and newer
[docs] def report_results(self, swp_variable='variation', numeric=True): """ Report in table form the results in a markdown friendly way in Jupyter notebook using the pandas interface. """ with pd.option_context('display.precision', 2): display(Markdown(("#### Mode frequencies (MHz)"))) display(Markdown(("###### Numerical diagonalization"))) display(self.get_frequencies( swp_variable=swp_variable, numeric=numeric)) display(Markdown(("#### Kerr Non-linear coefficient table (MHz)"))) display(Markdown(("###### Numerical diagonalization"))) display(self.get_chis(swp_variable=swp_variable, numeric=numeric))
[docs] def get_chis(self, swp_variable='variation', numeric=True, variations: list = None, m=None, n=None): """return as multiindex data table If you provide m and n as integers or mode labels, then the chi between these modes will be returned as a pandas Series. """ label = 'chi_ND' if numeric else 'chi_O1' df = pd.concat(self.results.vs_variations( label, vs=swp_variable, variations=variations), names=[swp_variable]) if m is None and n is None: return df else: s = df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, m], n].unstack(1)[m] return s
[docs] def get_frequencies(self, swp_variable='variation', numeric=True, variations: list = None): """return as multiindex data table index: eigenmode label columns: variation label """ label = 'f_ND' if numeric else 'f_1' return self.results.vs_variations(label, vs=swp_variable, to_dataframe=True, variations=variations)
[docs] def get_quality_factors(self, swp_variable='variation', variations: list = None): """return as pd.Series index: eigenmode label columns: variation label """ return self.results.vs_variations('Qs', vs=swp_variable, to_dataframe=True, variations=variations)
[docs] def get_participations(self, swp_variable='variation', variations: list = None, inductive=True, _normed=True): """ inductive (bool): EPR for junction inductance when True, else for capacitors Returns: ---------------- Returns a multiindex dataframe: index 0: sweep variable index 1: mode number column: junction number Example use: --------------- Plot the participation ratio of all junctions for a given mode vs a sweep of Lj. .. code-block language:python df=epra.get_participations(swp_variable='Lj') df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:,0],0].unstack(1).plot(marker='o') """ if inductive: if _normed: getme = 'Pm_normed' else: getme = 'Pm_raw' else: if _normed: getme = 'Pm_cap' else: raise NotImplementedError( 'not inductive and not _normed not implemented') participations = self.results.vs_variations(getme, vs=swp_variable) p2 = OrderedDict() for key, val in participations.items(): df = pd.DataFrame(val) = 'mode' = 'junc_idx' p2[key] = df participations = pd.concat(p2, names=[swp_variable]) return participations
def _get_PM_as_DataFrame(self): """ Pm = epra._get_PM_as_DataFrame() Pm.unstack(1).groupby(axis=1,level=1).plot() """ Pm = pd.concat(self.PM) Pm.index.set_names(['variation', 'mode'], inplace=True) Pm.columns.set_names(['junction'], inplace=True) return Pm
[docs] def get_ansys_energies(self, swp_var='variation'): """ Return a multi-index dataframe of ansys energies vs swep_variable Args: swp_var (str) : """ if swp_var == 'variation': energies = self.ansys_energies else: energies = self.get_vs_variable(swp_var, 'ansys_energies') df = pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).transpose() for k, v in energies.items()}) df.index.set_names([swp_var, 'mode'], inplace=True) return df
[docs] def quick_plot_participation(self, mode, junction, swp_variable='variation', ax=None, kw=None): """Quick plot participation for one mode kw : extra plot arguments """ df = self.get_participations(swp_variable=swp_variable) kw = kw or {} ax = ax or plt.gca() df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, mode], junction].unstack( 1).plot(marker='o', ax=ax, **kw) ax.set_ylabel(f'p_({mode},{junction})')
[docs] def quick_plot_frequencies(self, mode, swp_variable='variation', ax=None, kw=None, numeric=False): """Quick plot freq for one mode kw : extra plot arguments """ kw = kw or {} ax = ax or plt.gca() s = self.get_frequencies( numeric=numeric, swp_variable=swp_variable).transpose()[mode] s.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, **kw) ax.set_ylabel(f'$\\omega_{mode}$ (MHz)')
[docs] def quick_plot_chi_alpha(self, mode1, mode2, swp_variable='variation', ax=None, kw=None, numeric=False): """Quick plot chi between mode 1 and mode 2. If you select mode1=mode2, then you will plot the alpha kw : extra plot arguments """ kw = kw or {} ax = ax or plt.gca() s = self.get_chis(swp_variable=swp_variable, numeric=numeric).loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, mode1], mode2].unstack(1) s.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, **kw) if mode1 == mode2: ax.set_ylabel(f'$\\alpha$({mode1}) (MHz) [anharmonicity]') else: ax.set_ylabel(f'$\\chi$({mode1,mode2}) (MHz) [total split]')
[docs] def quick_plot_mode(self, mode, junction, mode1=None, swp_variable='variation', numeric=False, sharex=True): r"""Create a quick report to see mode parameters for only a single mode and a cross-kerr coupling to another mode. Plots the participation and cross participation Plots the frequencie plots the anharmonicity The values are either for the numeric or the non-numeric results, set by `numeric` """ fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12*0.9, 7*0.9)) self.quick_plot_frequencies( mode, swp_variable=swp_variable, numeric=numeric, ax=axs[0, 1]) self.quick_plot_participation( mode, junction, swp_variable=swp_variable, ax=axs[0, 0]) self.quick_plot_chi_alpha(mode, mode, numeric=numeric, swp_variable=swp_variable, ax=axs[1, 0], kw=dict(sharex=sharex)) if mode1: self.quick_plot_chi_alpha( mode, mode1, numeric=numeric, swp_variable=swp_variable, ax=axs[1, 1]) twinax = axs[0, 0].twinx() self.quick_plot_participation(mode1, junction, swp_variable=swp_variable, ax=twinax, kw=dict(alpha=0.7, color='maroon', sharex=sharex)) for ax in np.ndarray.flatten(axs): ax.grid(alpha=0.2) axs[0, 1].set_title('Frequency (MHz)') axs[0, 0].set_title('Self- and cross-EPR') axs[1, 0].set_title('Anharmonicity') axs[1, 1].set_title('Cross-Kerr') fig.suptitle(f'Mode {mode}', y=1.025) fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def quick_plot_convergence(self, ax = None): """ Plot a report of the Ansys convergence vs pass number ona twin axis for the number of tets and the max delta frequency of the eignemode. """ ax = ax or plt.gca() ax_t = ax.twinx() convergence_tets = self.get_convergences_tets_vs_pass() convergence_freq = self.get_convergences_max_delta_freq_vs_pass() = 'Δf' plot_convergence_max_df(ax, convergence_freq) plot_convergence_solved_elem(ax_t, convergence_tets)
[docs]def extract_dic(name=None, file_name=None): """#name is the name of the dictionary as saved in the npz file if it is None, the function will return a list of all dictionaries in the npz file file name is the name of the npz file""" with np.load(file_name, allow_pickle=True) as f: if name is None: return [f[i][()] for i in f.keys()] return [f[name][()]]