1. About

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1.1. Automated Python module for the design and quantization of Josephson quantum circuits

Abstract: Superconducting circuits incorporating non-linear devices, such as Josephson junctions and nanowires, are among the leading platforms for emerging quantum technologies. Promising applications require designing and optimizing circuits with ever-increasing complexity and controlling their dissipative and Hamiltonian parameters to several significant digits. Therefore, there is a growing need for a systematic, simple, and robust approach for precise circuit design, extensible to increased complexity. The energy-participation ratio (EPR) approach presents such an approach to unify the design of dissipation and Hamiltonians around a single concept — the energy participation, a number between zero and one — in a single-step electromagnetic simulation. This markedly reduces the required number of simulations and allows for robust extension to complex systems. The approach is general purpose, derived ab initio, and valid for arbitrary non-linear devices and circuit architectures. Experimental results on a variety of circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) devices and architectures, 3D and flip-chip (2.5D), have been demonstrated to exhibit ten percent to percent-level agreement for non-linear coupling and modal Hamiltonian parameters over five-orders of magnitude and across a dozen samples. Here, in this package, all routines of the EPR approach are fully automated.

1.2. References