Source code for pyEPR.calcs.hamiltonian

Hamiltonian and Matrix Operations.
Hamiltonian operations heavily draw on qutip package.
This package must be installed for them to work.
    import qutip
    from qutip import Qobj  # basis, tensor,
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):

from ..toolbox.pythonic import fact

[docs]class MatrixOps(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def cos(op_cos_arg: Qobj): """ Make cosine operator matrix from argument op_cos_arg op_cos_arg (qutip.Qobj) : argument of the cosine """ return 0.5*((1j*op_cos_arg).expm() + (-1j*op_cos_arg).expm())
[docs] @staticmethod def cos_approx(x, cos_trunc=5): """ Create a Taylor series matrix approximation of the cosine, up to some order. """ return sum((-1)**i * x**(2*i) / float(fact(2*i)) for i in range(2, cos_trunc + 1))
[docs] @staticmethod def dot(ais, bis): """ Dot product """ return sum(ai*bi for ai, bi in zip(ais, bis))
[docs]class HamOps(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def fock_state_on(d: dict, fock_trunc: int, N_modes: int): ''' d={mode number: # of photons} In the bare eigen basis ''' # give me the value d[i] or 0 if d[i] does not exist return qutip.tensor(*[qutip.basis(fock_trunc, d.get(i, 0)) for i in range(N_modes)])
[docs] @staticmethod def closest_state_to(s: Qobj, energyMHz, evecs): """ Returns the energy of the closest state to s """ def distance(s2): return (s.dag() * s2[1]).norm() return max(zip(energyMHz, evecs), key=distance)
[docs] @staticmethod def closest_state_to_idx(s: Qobj, evecs): """ Returns the index """ def distance(s2): return (s.dag() * s2[1]).norm() return max(zip(range(len(evecs)), evecs), key=distance)
[docs] @staticmethod def identify_Fock_levels(fock_trunc: int, evecs, N_modes=2, Fock_max=4): """ Return quantum numbers in terms of the undiagonalized eigenbasis. """ # to do: need to turn Fock_max into arb algo on each mode def fock_state_on(d): return HamOps.fock_state_on(d, fock_trunc, N_modes) def closest_state_to_idx(s): return HamOps.closest_state_to_idx(s, evecs) FOCKr = {} for d1 in range(Fock_max): for d2 in range(Fock_max): d = {0: d1, 1: d2} FOCKr[closest_state_to_idx(fock_state_on(d))[0]] = d return FOCKr