Source code for pyEPR.calcs.convert

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar 19 18:14:08 2019

Unit and variable conversions.

@author: Zlatko Minev

from __future__ import (absolute_import,  # Python 2.7 and 3 compatibility
                        division, print_function)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy import sqrt

from .basic import CalcsBasic
from .constants import (Planck, e_el, elementary_charge, fluxQ, hbar, pi, ħ, π,

[docs]class Convert(): ''' Static container class for conversions of units and variables. TEST CONVERSION: .. code-block:: python from pyEPR.toolbox.conversions import Convert Lj_nH, Cs_fF = 11, 60 Convert.transmon_print_all_params(Lj_nH, Cs_fF); ''' # Known SI prefixed _prefix = {'y': -24, # yocto 'z': -21, # zepto 'a': -18, # atto 'f': -15, # femto 'p': -12, # pico 'n': -9, # nano 'u': -6, # micro 'm': -3, # mili 'c': -2, # centi 'd': -1, # deci ' ': 0, 'k': 3, # kilo 'M': 6, # mega 'G': 9, # giga 'T': 12, # tera 'P': 15, # peta 'E': 18, # exa 'Z': 21, # zetta 'Y': 24, # yotta } # Known SI units _SI_units = ['H', # Henries 'F', # Farads 'Hz', # Hertz 'Ohm', # Ohms 'Ω', # Ohms 'Wb' # Webers 'J', # Joules 'A' # Amps ]
[docs] @staticmethod def toSI(number, from_units: str): r""" Convert from SI unit prefix to regular SI units If the from_units is ' ' or not in the prefix list, then the unit is assumed to be """ if from_units in Convert._SI_units: from_units = ' ' # else: we assume that the first letter is a prefix return number*(10**Convert._prefix.get(from_units[0]))
[docs] @staticmethod def fromSI(number, from_units: str): r"""Convert a number with SI units, such as fF to F. Arguments: number {[numeric]} -- number from_units {str} -- string Returns: numeric number, with units expanded """ if from_units in Convert._SI_units: from_units = ' ' # else: we assume that the first letter is a prefix return number*(10**(-Convert._prefix.get(from_units[0])))
@staticmethod def _convert_num(out_func, in_num, in_units, out_units): in_num = 1.0*in_num # to float # convert units of input number in_num = Convert.toSI(in_num, in_units) out_num = out_func(in_num) # Assume func processes all in SI units out_num = Convert.fromSI(out_num, out_units) return out_num
[docs] @staticmethod def Ej_from_Lj(Lj, units_in='nH', units_out='MHz'): r''' Josephson Junction energy from Josephson inductance. Returns in MHz :math:`E_j = \phi_0^2 / L_J` ''' return Convert._convert_num( # Plank to go from Joules to Hz lambda _Lj: Planck**-1 * (ϕ0**2)/_Lj, Lj, units_in, units_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def Lj_from_Ej(Ej, units_in='MHz', units_out='nH'): r''' Josephson Junction ind from Josephson energy in MHZ. Returns in units of nano Henries by default :math:`E_j = \phi_0^2 / L_J` ''' return Convert._convert_num( lambda _x: (ϕ0**2.)/(_x*Planck), # Plank to go from Joules to Hz Ej, units_in, units_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ic_from_Lj(Lj, units_in='nH', units_out='nA'): r''' Josephson Junction crit. curr from Josephson inductance. :math:`E_j = \phi_0^2 / L_J = \phi_0 I_C` ''' return Convert._convert_num( lambda _x: ϕ0/_x, # Plank to go from Joules to Hz Lj, units_in, units_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def Lj_from_Ic(Lj, units_in='nA', units_out='nH'): r''' Josephson Junction crit. curr from Josephson inductance. :math:`E_j = \phi_0^2 / L_J = \phi_0 I_C` ''' return Convert._convert_num( lambda _x: ϕ0/_x, # Plank to go from Joules to Hz Lj, units_in, units_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ec_from_Cs(Cs, units_in='fF', units_out='MHz'): r''' Charging energy :math:`4E_c n^2`, where :math:`n=Q/2e` Returns in MHz :math:`E_{C}=\frac{e^{2}}{2C}J` ''' return Convert._convert_num( # Plank to go from Joules to Hz lambda _x: Planck**-1 * (e_el**2.)/(2.*_x), Cs, units_in, units_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def Cs_from_Ec(Ec, units_in='MHz', units_out='fF'): r''' Charging energy :math:`4E_c n^2`, where :math:`n=Q/2e` Returns in SI units, in Farads. :math:`E_{C}=\frac{e^{2}}{2C}J` ''' return Convert._convert_num( # Plank to go from Joules to Hz lambda _x: (e_el**2.)/(2.*_x*Planck), Ec, units_in, units_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def ZPF_from_LC(L, C): r''' Input units assumed to be identical Returns Phi ZPF in and Q_ZPF in NOT reduced units, but SI ''' Z = sqrt(L/C) return (sqrt(hbar*Z/2.), sqrt(hbar/(2.*Z))) # Phi , Q
[docs] @staticmethod def ZPF_from_EPR(hfss_freqs, hfss_epr_, hfss_signs, hfss_Ljs, Lj_units_in='H', to_df=False): r""" Parameters: Can be either Pandas or numpy arrays. hfss_freqs : HFSS Freqs. (standard units: GHz, but these will cancel with Ejs) (list/Series) hfss_epr : EPR ratio matrix, dim = M x J (2D array/DataFrame) hfss_signs : Sign matrix, dim = M x J (2D array/DataFrame) hfss_Ljs : Assumed in Henries (see Lj_units_in). (list/Series) Lj_units_in : Default 'H' for Henries. Can change here. Returns: M x J matrix of reduced ZPF; i.e., scaled by reduced flux quantum. type: np.array and a tuple of matrices. Example use: ϕzpf, (Ωm, Ej, Pmj, Smj) = Convert.ZPF_from_EPR(hfss_freqs, hfss_epr, hfss_signs, hfss_Ljs, to_df=True) """ hfss_freqs, hfss_epr, hfss_signs, hfss_Ljs = map( np.array, (hfss_freqs, hfss_epr_, hfss_signs, hfss_Ljs)) Ωd = np.diagflat(hfss_freqs) Ej = Convert.Ej_from_Lj( hfss_Ljs, units_in=Lj_units_in, units_out='GHz') Ej = np.diagflat(Ej) ϕzpfs = CalcsBasic.epr_to_zpf(hfss_epr, hfss_signs, Ωd, Ej) if to_df: ϕzpfs = pd.DataFrame( ϕzpfs, columns='ϕ'+hfss_epr_.columns.values, index=hfss_epr_.index) return ϕzpfs, (Ωd, Ej, hfss_epr, hfss_signs)
[docs] @staticmethod def Omega_from_LC(L, C): r''' Calculate the resonant *angular* frequency ''' return sqrt(1./(L*C))